My world has been turned upside down and all over the place the
last few years. I’ve completely lost all sense of who I am. Honestly I
lost all of that before my whole world was shattered.
Back in late 2012 I lost my home. Despite trying to do everything in my
power for months beforehand to not leave my new home, Chicago, nothing
worked. I had to pack my bags or what was left of my belongings and make
my way back to the hell I call Ohio. I sunk low. I sunk so low that
even now I cannot see any light or a hope. I put on my mask and would
tell myself that there’s a reason for everything. I still somewhat
believe that to be true. There’s been instances where I’ve gotten a job
just in the nick of time, or had just received health insurance (after
not having any for years) month before fracturing my foot. With this
major setback my aunt was diagnosed with stage 4 ovarian cancer only 3
months after I moved back. I set in my mind that even though I didn’t
want to be in Ohio I’m here at a time when my family needs me.
Still I’m at a low with myself and not sure how to stand on my own two
feet anymore. I’ve given up. I have completely given up. The worst part
is the never ending cycle. I have now been unemployed for a little over
two years. Since I moved back even looking at or thinking about an
application gives me a legit anxiety attack. It goes back to my previous
jobs, especially my last one.
With my first two jobs
there was the typical bullshit you have to deal with at a job. It was at
a library. Everything started out okay. I felt like my boss was kind of
anal about certain things, but I didn’t realize he was a saint compared
to the woman that replaced him when he left. The woman that took over
was a tyrant with a smile plastered on her face. I am a hard worker and I
have zero tolerance for bullshit. Most of the work done in our
department was done by me while the other kids, with the same job title
as I, did minimal work. One incident that made my blood boil is there
was a man that worked in our department, who repaired audio/ visual
materials, that would spend most of his time looking at porn on the
workroom computer and having phone sex with women who worked elsewhere
in the library. I was disgusted and weirded out by it, but the first
time I put my foot down was when the computer got a virus and all of the
aides got blamed and we were told that we couldn’t use the computer. I
informed my boss what really was happening. She did nothing. The last
straw with this particular employee was seeing a photo of myself taken
from my MySpace sent to him in an email he left open on the computer. I
reported him to my boss and the library director. Nothing. A guy I
became close with actually quit on the spot one day because of nothing
being done about this guy’s actions. I became fed up and asked a manager
in another department if I could grab hours there. This librarian
always saw how hard I worked and would continuously compliment me
whenever she visited our department. She said she’d have to look at her
hours. A few days later she walks up to me, as she often would, and said
“I’m not sure if anything is going on with you and Paula (my boss), but
I don’t think it’d be a good idea for you to come to our department.” I
was so confused. She saw everyday how hard I worked. All of the
librarians in the whole building knew how hard I worked, actually. If
people needed help in other areas I was the one they came too. That’s
how well known I was for my work ethic. I asked her what she meant. She
only said, “You’ll have to talk to Paula.” I saw red. I could only
assume that my boss told this woman false things about me to paint me as
a shitty employee. I knew that she probably did this because I was the
aide that mostly got things done and if I was gone then nothing would
get done also I’m pretty sure she was sexist. She never gave the men
shit, but constantly made rude snotty remarks to the women. I knew I had
to do anything to get the hell out of there, which was a bummer.
Everyone else in that department with the exception of my boss and
perv-boy I cared about and with me working in the audio/visual
department there was nothing I knew more about than music and movies. I
was everyone’s movie/music guide when they couldn’t find a particular
item for a patron. Shortly after this I saw a posting in the newsletter
about a higher position in our checkout department. I applied and
honestly figured I was a shoe-in because this is a department I would
help out often without them asking. In the meantime I still didn’t feel
right. I had been there almost 8 years and hadn’t progressed and it was
probably due to my boss holding me back. At the same time that I had
applied to this job I was also applying to colleges around the country
since the community college I attended didn’t have journalism at the
time. One of my communications professors talked up Columbia College
Chicago. I took a chance and got accepted. I withdrew my application for
the other position and packed my bags for Chicago. Since my boss
blocked me from getting into another department it was nice to be able
to one up her and just leave the state.
Moving to
Chicago was another one of those things happening in the nick of time. I
got the green light for my student loans, quit my job, and got an
apartment all in about 10 days before school started. It took almost
nine months to find a job. Again, this was in the nick of time. I was on
my last few hundred bucks of my student loans, by that time. Between
school, rent, and bills I was running out of cash fast. Although I was
able to finally let out a sigh of relief by landing this job at Borders
(I’ll say the name since these bookstores no longer exist) it wasn’t a
big sigh. I was told from the start that the location was closing in
about eight months. Borders started as a breath of fresh air. I’m glad
it was my first job in the city because I met some really cool people
there. It was a nice first impression of the city. I’ll admit I was a
little intimidated because all of these people had worked together for a
while and they were a strong family unit. After a few months we got the
news that the store would be open at least another year and I was able
to let out the rest of that sigh of relief. To this day I will say that
Borders was the best job I ever had. Unless I open my own business or
find a job that allows me to be creative, it will continue to be my best
job experience. As much as I love the people I worked with I always
felt out of place. I tried my best to fit in but was constantly stressed
because I was barely making ends meet, had to go days without eating to
save money, drop out of school because I just couldn’t afford it and to
make matters worse is my hours were constantly being cut. I stuck it
out because at least I was at a place where I worked with people I
mostly liked and no one else seemed to be hiring. As time went on it
became like any other job. The folks who barely did anything got the
most hours while people like me were barely clearing 25 hours a week. Of
course I bitched about it, considering what I was going through, and
because I wanted things to be equal. I got labeled an asshole. Few
people cared about what I was going through, luckily, for me, one of
those people who did was the general manager. If anyone would call in or
if he had extra hours he’d call me. I was so anxious for hours I spent
most of my off days in the area just in case I was needed. I was
thankful for him. Still I was upset that the manager who made the
schedule would cut my hours and give most hours to the chicks he flirted
with. I’ll never forget that one of my new friends there referred to me
as Malcolm X once. He was being funny, but I took it as a compliment.
Yes, I was angry that lazy people were rewarded and no I won’t shut up
about it. He told me I had to “play the game”. I’m sorry, but my bills,
putting food in my stomach, and keeping a roof over my head was not a
game. I came to work, not kiss ass. I had applied to different jobs
while I worked there and after 13 months I was able to land a better
paying job. I didn’t know that this new job would fuck up my entire
This last job threw me into a downward spiral
really quick. It was at a call center for a well known cable company. If
you live in Chicago you probably know the one I’m talking about and if
possible you probably hate them more than I do. I pretty much had
problems with this place from the start. They rushed new hires through
the training process and most of what they taught made no sense and when
we would ask about certain things you’d get answers that were pulled
out of asses and no answer from different people were ever the same. I
tried to be a sport about it since it did pay more than Borders and was
something to fall back on since Borders was definitely closing by the
time I got this new job. I’ll fast forward to the bits that explain
where my anxiety and depression worsened. This call center was in the
suburbs which meant I had to take a bus and a train to and from work.
I’d have to catch a bus by 7:30 am to catch a train that left close to
8:30 to be at my 11am shift. My shift would end at 8pm, but the train
wouldn’t arrive til 9pm and I wouldn’t get home until around midnight.
Repeat. That really really wore on me. I pleaded with supervisors to
change my shift just an hour so I could work from 10-7 so I could catch
the 7:30 train. I really didn’t see what the harm in it was. That way
they could have an employee who was well rested because I could get home
by 9 instead of having someone running on just a few hours of sleep.
They wouldn’t hear any of it. Also just because I made more here than
Border made no difference since I added the expense of public transport
which was almost $300 a month. I was always reprimanded because I acted
in favor of the customer instead of the company. Meaning I wouldn’t try
to push and force people to upgrade a cable package if they could barely
afford to pay for what they already had. I worked with customers and
really listened to what they were saying. My view was to try and keep a
customer so the company would still make money versus pushing them into a
package that would be more expensive and risk losing them completely
because they may want to go with another company that was cheaper. For
the most part I was so well with customers that I had a few regulars who
would refuse to speak to anyone but me. The first real incident I had
there was after working there seven months my father, back in Ohio, had a
stroke. This happened on a night before my days off so after work I
took a Greyhound home to be with my family. Even though that next day
was my day off I called my supervisor and let her know my situation and
what I should do. I was just told to worry about my family and to keep
her updated. I kept in contact as much as possible, but it seemed as
though my supervisor nor manager really had any clear idea on how to
handle something like that. No one said how many days I was allowed to
be away or the consequences. The day before I was going to go back I
received a rude voice mail from my manager saying “SO HOW LONG IS THIS
GOING TO TAKE?!” How long is it going to take the only father I have to
recover from a stroke? Are you kidding me? I was the one calling
everyday to see
HOW LONG I could take off and never got a
concrete answer. When I did come back and handed over all doctor notes
and proof of where I’d been my supervisor had the nerve to ask me “Why
didn’t you come back after your dad was out of the dark area?” What she
was referring to was my father was in the hospital for about a week
before going to a rehab facility for physical and speech therapy. I’m
sorry, but I saw that all as a dark area seeing as my father still
couldn’t speak by the time I left (and to be honest still has problems
with speech four years later) and again I constantly asked how I
should’ve handled that when I was away. The only good news from that is
the manager that left me the rude voice mail was fired a week later.
Still don’t know what for, but I saw it as karma. At this company you
were assigned to a supervisor for on a certain amount of months, I think
it was 6 or so, and early on I was so done with my first supervisor. I
won’t go into all the shady things she did, but two times she really
rubbed me the wrong way was saying I didn’t know what I was doing
extremely loud while I was on the phone with a customer. This customer
was adamant about leaving our company because we couldn’t give her a
discount even though she had several in a row. I was boiling that she
said something like that to an employee loud enough that the customer
possibly heard. Another time was when I was dealing with a customer who
was highly upset because a technician screwed up and went to the wrong
TWICE and wanted someone to come out immediately. My hands
were tied and my supervisor did nothing to help her even though it was
our fault. She refused to talk to the woman even though she asked for a
supervisor. The customer kept saying she wanted to cancel and I got so
fed up that I was truthful to the woman that my boss refused to help and
that if it was up to me this situation would be much different. The
customer recognized that my hands were tied and said that she wasn’t mad
at me, but at management. I apologized on behalf of that shitty company
and sent her to cancellation. The second huge incident with this place
was since I had to walk from the train everyday and through every type
of weather I developed a stress fracture in my left foot. I walked on it
for about a week before getting it checked. The doctor found nothing. I
walked on it for about two more weeks until I couldn’t take the pain
anymore and went to a different doctor. He slapped a boot on it and
signed the papers for a medical leave. While off my pay was fucked up
for most of it and dealing with the insurance company and my job was a
pain in the ass. I don’t remember how long I was off, but I do know that
I was sent threatening letters that my job would be terminated if I
didn’t return. I wasn’t fully healed and had to walk back and forth to
work in the August heat with that dreadful boot on my foot for at least a
few more weeks. The third big incident is where I feel like everything
came to a head and I completely broke. On days when calls are really
slow, I mean like 20-30 minutes in between calls, they would send people
home early if you signed up for it. Usually you’d get off about an hour
early or more if this were to happen. This was on a Sunday and anyone
who has taken public transport knows that Sunday schedules are always a
pain. Halfway into the day I saw a lot of people going home early and
was confident that at least an hour before my shift was to end I’d be
leaving too. Well that time had come and gone and I was only hoping that
they’d call my name early enough to catch the closest train instead of
waiting for the next one an hour after my shift ended. Well turns out
that whoever was supposed to check up on the list of names to go home
early was bullshitting around and had completely forgot. I was called
with about 10 minutes to grab my things and run to the train. I got to
the parking lot of the train station as the train was pulling away. I
literally fell to my knees and started sobbing uncontrollably and
hyperventilating. When I was able to catch my breath and calm down I
walked into the train station and immediately started calling
therapists. That leads me to my second medical leave. This one my pay
was screwed with heavily which led me to the hell I live today because
of that I was unable to keep my apartment and my landlord refused to
hear what was going on and why it was happening. The icing on the cake
was I was told to quit my job right then and there. I was able to find
another place with someone within a few days and returned to see if I
could get my job back. I was told to wait a few days to see what they
could do and in the end they told me they tried and tried, but since I
was erased from the system I’d have to reapply and go through as a new
employee again (never got a call back for that either I might add). I
was also told that I should get unemployment. I cried my eyes out a few
days before Christmas after talking with the unemployment office because
this place, even though I wasn’t there anymore, got their last dig in and lied to me about that too. It was stupid of me to trust them on anything at all.
My last job really did a number on me. Because of my work schedule and
spending most of my day on a train or bus, I had no room for a social
life. The friends I made at Borders I had lost contact with because I
couldn’t do things with them and the days I did have off were for me to
catch up on sleep or to see my therapist. Because I didn’t have time nor
energy to make a home cooked meal most of the week I mainly ate fast
food and microwaveable dinners. I gained close to 100lbs that, two years
later, I still haven’t completely shed. Seeing myself at that weight
really depressed me. I had never been a skinny girl, but never in my
life had I ever been over 200lbs. The stress of that place really
screwed with my body. At this place is where I lost my passion for
writing. At the library I had down time to write as well as at Borders.
Here I didn’t have the free time at all. Any free time I had I used to
try and clear my mind from whatever hellish calls or bullshit meetings I
had to endure earlier that day. This job also made me hate people. Yes,
most of the time the customers were assholes who complained about an
expense that really isn’t necessary to life and really isn’t worth the
expensive price they’re paying. The people who made me hate people were
my coworkers. The daily topic was always how much the place sucked and
which boss screwed who over. It was fun to gossip at first and talk to
people who had the same view that I did, but after a while it just
became too heavy. I already have my own personal problems with this
place and I really didn’t want to take on anyone else’s hatred. That was
too much to take. So while I was there I did do a few irresponsible
things like go to Lollapalooza three years in a row, see Paul McCartney,
see U2 (which was a childhood dream of mine) and do other things that I
otherwise never had a chance to do. It was very irresponsible of me to
do those things, but going through the torture I felt day in and day
out, I felt like I deserved a break every once in a while and do
something that would give me at least a little bit of joy. As
irresponsible as it was I’d do it again. When I saw Paul McCartney I had
probably $10 to my name after getting those tickets, with no clue when
I’d be paid again (since this was during one of my medical leaves) and
it was worth it. I’ll probably never get to see him again in life, but
dammit I did it and I’d do it again.
Now I’m back in
Ohio and I am so lost. I know that I need to get a job but I don’t want
to be in a situation where I’m unappreciated and treated like shit. I
refuse to get into a position where I spiral again. These experiences
have left me fragile. I don’t want to put my health at risk and have
constant panic attacks, which was something I started to experience
while at the library, or gain a ton of weight, or God forbid, go to a
dark place and never find my way out again. I don’t like being broke,
but these things give me so much anxiety. I can’t pull up an application
with out thinking “What if I get an asshole boss? What if I have to
travel over an hour to get to work only to get shit on? What if I have
to do the majority of everything? What if I have a family emergency and
can’t be there for them because I’ll have a boss who won’t understand?”.
Even just looking at an application makes my palms sweaty. I can’t go
through these things again.
IT. WILL. BREAK. ME. I know it will.
All I want to do is write and when I was younger my writing was the
only thing I wasn’t modest about. People would tell me I was good and I
would tell them that they were right. These experiences have stripped
me of my confidence in the one thing I was good at. I have no clue what I
want to do now. From the time I was a kid I wanted to be a journalist,
photographer, travel writer, director, etc and I just have to interest
in these thing anymore. I don’t have interest in anything anymore. I
just lay in bed and wish I could just disappear. That’s the only thing I
feel semi passionate about. If I could just disappear I’d be better off
and so would everyone around me. If I don’t have passion then what’s it
all for? I was robbed of what I loved. I was robbed of fully enjoying a
city I loved living in and more than anything I want to return to
Chicago, but the will to fight for it isn’t there. I was robbed of my
identity of being a person that liked to help people. Those parts of me
no longer exists. I want to do something that I can share with the world
and be a voice but the urge to disappear is stronger than that. I hope I
can come to a point where I can clock in somewhere and meet new people
so that I won’t have to be a burden on a few people anymore and try to
gain some normalcy. I wish I could snap my fingers and have all these
fears go away so I can continue a normal life, but I just can’t. My life
right now is “I can’t.” I just don’t know what to do. I wish I knew
what path to take and I wish I had the courage to even pick a path. I’m
just so lost. I’m so so lost and the worst part is I’m doing it alone.
Deep down I know I’ll find my way, but it’s not happening soon enough. I
know the way I feel now has always been there, it just took my last job
to bring out that hopelessness in full affect.
Thanks, Fuckcast.
-Asia Aneka Anderson 2015(c)