I learn from myself each and everyday. I’d be a fool to say that I
am the person that I’m meant to be. I’d also be a fool to say that I
don’t have a long way to go to even be half the person I want to be.
One lesson that need to learn is to stop punishing myself. I feel like
I’ve had many failures in my life and I make myself pay dearly for them.
I hold things over my own head and feel like “Why didn’t you do this
that way?” or “Why aren’t you at x point in your life yet?” I try to
remind myself that failures and setbacks are going to happen and
everyone’s life path is different, but that doesn’t keep me from
punishing myself. As I’ve posted several times before, I lost my home in
Chicago back in December 2012. It is 2015 and I am still making myself
feel like shit over it. I literally did all that I feel I could do, but
there’s always a part of me that feels that I could’ve done more.
There’s a part of me who hates myself for allowing it to happen. Things
like this happen in life. Most people fall and get back up, but when I
fall I repeatedly kick myself while yelling reasons as to why I deserve
said kicking. Now I’m stuck here in Ohio and wondering what in the hell
to do with my life and if it’s even worth it to find something
worthwhile doing since I’m a huge fuck up. To quote Ringo in Yellow Submarine, “Nothing good every happens to me.” I know that this is not true, but boy does it feel like it.
I try to remind myself of all the amazing things that have happened to
me. My only problems are is it’s been far and few in between, I didn’t
realize the magnitude of the event as it was happening, and with some of
these events it’s been so long that the glamor of it has washed away
and the memories of how I felt have faded. I can say that I’ve seen a
Beatle live in my lifetime, but my seats were so far away and Paul is
actually my least favorite. I’ve been to Australia which is one of the
top five places I’ve ever wanted to visit ever. I’ve seen many of my
favorite bands live. Coldplay, made me feel every emotion possible and
it bums me out that the experience I had seeing them live is not a
feeling I have everyday. I’ve met many celebrities in my life, Josh
Duhmel, Demetri Martin, and Joel McHale probably being the best and John
Mayer being the definite worst. I’ve made big steps like moving to a
big city on my own. The big things in my life (like buying cars,
apartment, etc) are things I paid for and got for myself. I had no hand
me downs or help. I’ve had a lot of great things happen, but the bad
seem to overshadow it.
I’ve been trying to change my
train of thought. All the while I stay bummed about leaving Chicago, but
I think things happen for a reason. Maybe my time there was done. I
really didn’t make too many friends there, honestly. Once I was out of
eyesight of some I was completely forgotten about. The things I really
loved about being there was just the music scene, the museums,
festivals, movies/shows being filmed there, and I felt an enormous
amount of freedom. I wasn’t really attached to a certain place or person
there, honestly. I’m trying to look at it this way: Ever since I was a
little girl there’s been two places I’ve always wanted to go to. I’ve
already done one, Australia, and NYC is the other. What if my next move
is NYC? I’m sitting here punishing myself for Chicago and could possibly
be standing in the way of something better. I’ve always said my main
goal is to be a writer for Rolling Stone. That’s been my dream for many
years, among a ton of other dreams, but that one is at the top of the
list.. The road ahead could be so much better, but I can’t help but look
back at the past and wonder what could have been. I also have dreams of
making my hometown more than it could be that Chicago opened my eyes
to. I actually sat down and wrote down a business plan for this (which I’ll post later) that gave me the first genuine smile I’ve had in
months. It made me so happy to see this plan in front of me. Maybe
that’s my next move and being in Chicago was to help me realize that
dream. Maybe being there was to give me the idea and tools for this
I just know that there is more for me and I
know that my voice was made to be heard. I know that I have to mind to
want to change things and make things everything better for everyone.
That could be what’s behind door number 2. All I need is the strength to
stop trying to pick the locks on door number 1. Obviously that door is
locked shut for good reasons. I don’t know what I keep punishing myself
for things that just happen. Perhaps in the future Chicago will be
behind another door, but I have to make myself see that this isn’t
what’s in my cards right now and that’s okay. Yes, I loved it but I have
got to move on. There is nothing there for me right now. Time to move
on to better things and to blow minds or even better to have my mind
-Asia Aneka Anderson 2015©
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