I made a post recently about the castor oil challenge made by Kinky Curly Coily Me. It goes from Sept. 1st- Dec. 1st. This challenge is to promote hair growth over the next three months (and hopefully beyond). I in no way have anything to do with this challenge, but I want to encourage many people to join it. I will be more than excited to update all of you on my continued journey. I do have some before pics that were taken on August 21st. These will be my before pics. You can see that from the sides my hair is a little past my jawline and the back is a little past the base of my neck. The front, not pictured, is to the tip of my nose. I'm hoping to gain 4-5 inches by the end of this challenge, but as long as I see progress I'll be fine.
What I will be using is the Jamaican Black Lavender Castor Oil. I will be using it mostly around my edges and crown for 4-5 days a week, as well as my eyebrows. I bought a 4oz. bottle off Amazon and since I received it early I started early and I can honestly already see a difference in my eyebrows so far. If you want to join you have until Sept. 7th to register which you can do here. All the instructions are there for you if you have any questions regarding the challenge. I hope some of you join! Good Luck!
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