knew strange fruit could kill me?
Bitter taste of poison
Leaves drip red against the sun
Not of my own hand
But by my own mouth
Spit seeds of death
Before it takes my voice
Decay of rind
Such beautiful fruit
Succulent life
Where life begins
Strange fruit ends
I tend to the fallen in darkness
Plant remains of soul
Suck poison from root
I succumb to strange fruit
Bitter taste of poison
Leaves drip red against the sun
Not of my own hand
But by my own mouth
Spit seeds of death
Before it takes my voice
Decay of rind
Such beautiful fruit
Succulent life
Where life begins
Strange fruit ends
I tend to the fallen in darkness
Plant remains of soul
Suck poison from root
I succumb to strange fruit
-Asia Aneka Anderson, Untitled 2018©
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